Now that I’m getting older, I can assure you that one of the most important things for a person is how they spend their mornings. Having a good morning is essential because it is the beginning of the day. How you spent your morning can often set precedent on how the rest of your day can look like. So here are 5 Ways to have a good morning.
Why a Good Morning is Important.
The morning represents a lot of things that we often overlook and should not. The morning represents the beginning of a new day, new journey or starting afresh. There’s also a lovely saying that I always remember on days when I feel down, that is ‘Joy comes in the morning’. As I mentioned, how you then choose to spend your mornings is very important, as it can often affect the way the rest of your day looks like.
5 ways to have a Good Morning.
1.Don’t go on social media first thing in the morning.
This is perhaps the hardest thing to unlearn, because of how natural it has become to us. I can attest to the fact that the first thing I do in the morning is go on my all my social media platforms. The problem with this is that you cannot control what you see on social media. So our minds often have to soak up all this content in the morning. Knowing these social media platforms, it really could be anything that you see on these apps. It is easy to go on social media and see something upsetting or frustrating. That thing can stay in your mind for the rest of day.
2. Think about the day you want first, before you check your social media
There are a lot of studies on how the unconscious mind picks up on things, including what we see on social media. Which is why it is best, that when you wake up you don’t check your social media platforms immediately.
Think about the kind of day that you want for yourself before you pick up your phone. Some of the thoughts you can ponder on are:
- What am I thankful for today?
- How can I make today a better day for myself?
- What are some of the urgent tasks i need to accomplish?
Yes, I know, you are reading this and thinking, ugh- what a bore. The first thing you probably want to do is make your coffee and scroll through your social media. Guess, what, you will have many opportunities during the day to scroll through your social media and have your coffee. However, to intentionally think about your day is something that you’ll probably not find time for later on, especially if you live a busy lifestyle.
3. Find a Quiet time
Finding quiet time for yourself in the morning before you get on with your day is important. There are studies that found that silence restored the nervous system and helps to sustain energy. Being able to fit in that quiet time, first thing in the morning before you do anything is core to how you begin your day.
However, your quiet time does not have to be in the morning. In this busy and fast paced society that we live in, being able to find quiet time for yourself any time during the day is a blessing. What is central is that you are intentional bout giving yourself quiet time, as frequently as you can.
4. Create a morning routine.
Having a form of morning routine is something that can help facilitate your mornings. This routine does not need to be jammed packed with many things. You can have 1 or 2 things that you prioritise for yourself in the morning, that you try to do before you start your day.
The best way to formulate a great morning routine is to incorporate healthy habits that can improve your mental and physical wellbeing. I’ve already mentioned things like, thinking/ planning your day ahead, quiet time, and avoiding using your phone.
Other things that you can do:
- Praying
- Exercise
- Gratitude
- Journalling
- Reading
- Your to do list
- Morning Stretch
5. Make your bed
Hey, this one is easy, if I can say so myself. Telling potentially, grown up people to make their bed before they get on with their day is a little crazy. But we have all been there, where we have very busy mornings and end up leaving the bed untidy. However, there’s something about making your bed and tidying up before you leave the house is that is very healthy. Coming home to a tidy bed after a stressful day can have a relaxing effect.
O’L Final Thoughts
I was reflecting one night, on the kind of day that I had. It occurred to me, that our days are usually taken away by responsibilities, work, life, and so many other things. Even on days off, there always seems to be something that takes away our ‘me’ time,
All this took me back to how I begun my mornings. If the first thing that I do is check my social media, by the end of the day I hardly end up having anytime for myself. I know that some of us are night owls, and by some I mean, myself. But I’ve observed a certain advantage in committing my mornings to myself, before anything else. Being able to prioritize things like your quiet time, reading, or having some sort of the plan concerning the rest of my day has proved to be beneficial for many others.