The days are getting colder, darker and wetter. Which only means one thing, winter is coming. If you caught that cheesy reference, welcome to the family. In preparation for this new season, I have complied a list of things to help you in the cold winter days. It’s important to make sure that you are taking care of your physical and mental well-being in winter. This is due to the fact that with the weather change, a lot of things we normally have access too may no longer be available. Yes, I am talking about the lovely summer days. So here are 7 Must Have Winter Essentials.
The impact of Winter Days
There are different factors that affect our experience of the winter season. One of them being the lack of sun. It’s vital that we are exposed to some sunlight, but also equally important that you wear sunscreen and reapply it. We know that sunlight is essential due to the benefits of it. The best-known benefit of sunlight being the ability to boost the bodies vitamin D supply.
The winter season also comes with other changes such as the desire to stay in bed more. Sleeping more can lead to reduced social contact. Contrary to what many say, it is essential for our overall well-being to maintain healthy social interactions and contact.
Another thing that can happen during winter period is the craving for more carbohydrates. By no means, is there anything wrong with carbohydrates. They are a vital of a healthy balanced diet. However, we tend to consume more in this season, followed by less physical activity.
With all that in mind, here 7 must have winter essentials to get you through this season.

1.Get some sunlight
Although in winter we experience more cold days. Improving our access to light is very important. Some of the ways that you can do this is by sitting next to window when indoors. You can also invest in. A sunlight-stimulating light bulb. This is something that I got for myself for my room and has helped massively. Another way that you can improve your access to sunlight is through daily outdoor activity. This vary according to your interests.
2. Vitamin D intake
As mentioned earlier, sunlight is best known for its ability to boost the body’s vitamin D supply; most cases of vitamin D deficiency are due to lack of outdoor sun exposure. According to the NHS between October and early March we do not make enough vitamin D from sunlight.
The NHS website has detailed recommendation on Vitamin D intake here. Read for up-to-date advice. For more information on Vitamin D intake make sure to consult a medical professional like your GP.
3. Invest in a Good Coat
With the winter season coming, this is the perfect time to invest in a new coat. Trust me, it is needed. There are a few things that are involved in getting a winter coat. So start digging and searching for a coat that will get you through the cold winter days.
4. Outdoor Activity
One thing that is clear is that when it gets cold people stay in-doors more. Naturally most people would prefer to be warm inside with a cup of tea, snuggled with a blanket. All that is good. However, what most people end up doing during winter is prioritising more in-door activities and neglecting everything to do with outside.
Spending time outdoors in the winter is essential. According to the Mind spending time in green space or bringing nature into your everyday life can benefit both your physical and mental well-being. This can be as simple as taking a walk outside. I would recommend doing this in the morning at a time when there is a sunlight. Be cautious when walking or running outside if it is icy or snowing.
5. Hobbies and Activities
Another way that you can make the most of this winter season is investing in hobbies and activities. Hobbies are essential as they enhance your quality of life. They give you a sense of being. There are different hobbies that you can do which can help with your overall well-being.
6. Read Books.
If you are familiar with my blog, you are probably tired of me including this point. But I won’t stop as I truly believe that many of us simply do not read. If you haven’t read a book in a long time, take this new season as the opportunity to start. If you have been reading, my advice to you is to challenge yourself by reading a longer text. But the take home is to pick up a book this winter and start reading.
7. Travel
I know that travelling is something that is not available for everyone as it can be expensive. There are different alternatives that you can do if you can’t afford to travel far away. These alternatives include visiting different cities and other towns local to you. You can do this with your friends or family.
If you have money to spare, something that can make winter season interesting for you is booking a winter holiday. Most people don’t travel during this period, but you will be surprised what a little break can do for you during this period.
I know that winter is a time when most people choose to hideaway due to the cold weather. It can be a frustrating time for many reasons. However, there are many things that you can do in this time to make the most of this winter season.