There is a famous quote, ‘comparison is the thief of joy’. These are words to live by as comparison will literally take away your joy and satisfaction in life when left unchecked. In this post I want to break down what comparison is and why it is the thief of joy.
What is Comparison?
The google definition of comparison is the consideration of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or two people. Does that sound familiar? Well think about the times when you have compared the way you look to someone else. Comparing yourself to other people can come in different forms. This can vary from comparing your looks, lifestyle, abilities, traits, and many other things.
Sometimes comparison comes from other people. I know most people will agree with me on this one. But remember how it felt like when you were younger and being compared to other kids in school. That person could have been your friend or sibling that you were constantly told to try and be like.
Those comparisons can get to people as they grow older. Without realising it, you can actually start to live your life comparing yourself to other people. You start to strive to be like the people you were compared to, and this begins to shape the way you think. Which is why it is important to learn how to stop comparing yourself to other people.
Comparison vs Inspiration
Before we go further, we need to dispel some beliefs that people may use to justify the need to compare themselves to others. It is easy to look at comparison as a positive thing. This can be done by someone telling you that comparing themselves to other people ‘pushed’ them to change. This can sound like inspiration and something that is positive because you would have reached a goal, but it is not. I know this feeling as I have found myself engaged in comparison more times than I can count. I can also tell you that sometimes you can ‘achieve’ the things that you are competing to achieve. But this will come at a cost to you through the loss of peace, happiness and joy. You will not get peace while you are comparing yourself to someone else.
The is a fine line between inspiration and comparison yet these two things are completely different. Often times the things that inspire people end up being the things that people compare themselves by. By definition to ‘inspire’ is to fill someone with the confidence and desire to do something.
When you are inspired by someone or something this ignites confidence and motivation of endless possibilities for yourself. Your thought process isn’t that you want to do well and have what other possess. It is not your sole purpose to do well at something just to be better than other people. Inspiration does not arouse feelings of jealousy and competitiveness. You are motivated and encouraged by others to do better for yourself. Which is why instead of harvesting feelings of jealously and competition to be like others.
So, it is far much better to live a life where you are surrounded by good people, who inspire you to be your best self. It is possible to be inspired by different things and people that can motivate and encourage you. This is better than been driven by comparison.
Comparison the Thief of Joy
Comparison is the thief of joy. We know that a thief is someone that steals another’s property. What I appreciate most about this quote is the fact that the word ‘joy’ is used. The term joy is describes an internal feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Which means that comparison steals the joy felt from the inside.
When we compare ourselves to other people, whether we are comparing our looks or their lifestyles to ours. It damages our sense of self-worth and causes us to live competitively. How then can we find joy and happiness when we spend so much comparing our lives to other people. So it is important for us to be aware of the impact of comparison in our lives as it can affect our mental well-being.