The new year is approaching which means you need to start thinking of your new year resolutions. One of the most popular ones I know of is going to the gym. A lot of people try to go to the gym in the new year and give up a few months after. We’ve all been there, there’s no shame in it. However, in 2025 we’re going to find a way to stay consistent in going to the gym! The biggest reason people give up is due to not being motivated enough. You therefore, need to know how to find motivation to go to the gym in 2025. This is where I come in. I have been going to the gym for 8 years now and I am now qualified Personal Trainer. I have to admit, there are times I struggle with motivation with exercising, but here are some ways I have kept motivated and what I have told previous clients.

Accountability partner
One of the most common ways people find motivation when starting the gym is to go with someone. Now this can be quite good, especially if you are nervous about going to the gym alone. If you feel comfortable enough, you could find an accountability partner. This is someone who holds you accountable and checks up on you and your progress. This could be a friend, family member, work colleague, or anyone you choose. You do not have to work out with this partner, but usually you both have an agreement to check in on each others progress. Of course there are some downsides to this. If you go to the gym with someone and they do not go, you may be less motivated to go without them. It is also difficult to always rely on someone to hold you accountable. People have their own lives and after a few weeks, people start to forget to check in. If you find someone reliable, this may be a good option to start off your fitness journey in 2025.
Imagine yourself in the future
This may be a bit of a weird one, but one thing I do is to imagine my future self being thankful that I didn’t give up. There have been many times where I have wanted to take long breaks from the gym, I’m talking about 3 months or longer. However, I always think of my future self and what she would want. A lot of people think if they start working out in January, they will be ready for summer. Yet so many people do not get to their goals by summer due to commitment issues. The way to overcome this is to keep on thinking of your future self. This doesn’t necessarily mean in terms of looks either. As we get older, exercise is crucial for health related reasons. Also, our bones, joints and muscles begin to weaken. If you exercise regularly, it is less likely that you will have physical health issues. Your older self will be so thankful that you continued exercising!!!
Start gradually and create a routine
A lot of people see the gym and exercising as a chore and I think one of the main reasons for this is because they start off too intensely. By this I mean they start going 3-5 days a week, drastically changing their diet for a couple of weeks and then get burnt out. This is the wrong way to start the gym. If you are new, start 1-2 times a week and gradually increase how many times you go after a few weeks. In terms of your diet, again, slowly introduce your body to a healthier diet. You need to build up the habit of going to the gym. Habits can take around 3 months to form, so if you go in too intensely too quickly, it is unlikely you will reach that 3 month mark. A routine could also be a good way to keep yourself motivated. For example, write in your diary ‘go to the gym 6-7pm Tuesday’ or ‘attend gym class 6-7am Thursday’. If there is a day you cannot go, try to go for a walk instead to keep yourself in a routine of exercising at least.
Rewards and breaks
Reward yourself. If you go to the gym 3 times in a week, give yourself to a nice treat. This can be anything you like. If you decide to use food as a treat, then just make sure you are not over consuming as it could counteract your progress. For example, I try to go to the gym 4 times a week and get my steps in too. This means on weekends I treat myself to a takeaway. Also give yourself breaks in between exercising. If you go to the gym Monday, have a break Tuesday and go back on Wednesday. This way you hopefully won’t get bored of going too quickly.

Shift your mindset on exercising. You may not enjoy exercising and I get it, it can get a bit boring or feel like a lot of effort. However, you do not need to see exercising in this way. A lot of gyms provide different classes to attend which could help with motivation and may be fun for you. If you are willing, then perhaps invest in a Personal Trainer. This way you may feel more motivated as you are spending money on it. You do not have to lift heavy weights or do intense workouts to see progress. Take your time and be kind to yourself with the gym. Remember it is okay to take a break here and there, as long as you do not give up on yourself 🙂
Written by Hannah 🙂