Today’s reminder is to be mindful of the content that you are consuming online. There is a huge variety of content available on social media being fed to us by algorithms. This content may not necessarily be ‘helpful’ for your brain to see. The issue we often see with social media algorithm’s is that they often prioritise posts that provoke strong emotional responses, as these lead to high engagement.
Let us talk about how to take care of your mind online.
When I first joined Tik Tok, I did not know how ‘algorithms’ worked. However, when I engaged with the first few sad and traumatic stories that others shared. Well, let’s just say I ended up avoiding Tik Tok for a very long time before I went back. I gave myself a break because the things I would see on the app would evoke strong emotional responses in me. I always say that Tik Tok is an app that has the ability to make you laugh, cry, be sad and angry all in a minute.
How to take care of your Mind Online
- Know yourself.
It is important to know yourself when using social media. What I mean by this is that you have to be aware of the things that can potentially ‘trigger’ you online. The word ‘trigger’ may be overused on social media, but it is vital to know your triggers. I know that consuming too much sad or traumatic content can impact on my emotions. So as a rule of thumb, know your triggers and avoid engaging with such content that can impact your mind negatively.
2. Not everything you see online is helpful for you.
It is essential that you know that not everything you see is helpful for you. We spend hours and hours on social media. The reality of this is that we are bombarded with so much information involuntarily. So you have to make sure that you are aware that everything you see is not helpful for your brain. The part of brain that deals with emotions is called Amygdala. The amygdala are two almond shaped structures in our brains, which are activated by strong emotions, particularly negative ones. Which is why it is of up most important that we are mindful of the content that we consume.
3. Apply online boundaries for yourself.
Some of us may think we are above social media influence. But, I believe that only people with no social media can easily say this. For the rest of us, as long as you consume social media daily and actively some influence is drawn to happen.
Which is why you need to set some strict boundaries regarding your social media use. These boundaries can vary from: hours spent online, the content you choose to relate with and how you interact with others. There are some things I vehemently refuse to do online and that has kept me. Don’t allow yourself to get to immersed into the online world that you forget yourself and values.
4. Block, delete, limit.
The most practical tips that I can give you to beat the algorithm and better your social media experience are these three things- block, delete, and limit. For in-depth information on how to do this, all social media apps have information online on how to block, delete and limit interaction on their apps.
I find myself countless of times pressing buttons to say that I am not interested in certain content. Do not hesitate to block people that disrupt your peace online. Of course, it is not guaranteed that you Tik Tok for you page will not have content that you do not want to see. Just be mindful of this as you scroll on your social media apps.
5. Take Social Media Breaks
A study was carried out by researchers in university of Bath (UK) on mental health effects of week-long social media break. The study found that just one week off social media improved individual overall well-being and reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety.
It is vital to routinely delete you social media apps for many reasons, including the ones listed in the study. Other benefits include freeing up things to do things in the real world. There are a lot of things that you can do such as walking, relaxing, or going for lunch. Remember that it is good to give your mind a break to just relax, most of us forget to do this.
O’L Final Thoughts
Taking care of your mind online is important for your overall well-being. I know that the moment the words ‘strict boundaries’ come into play, some may feel that their experience is being capped. But it is important to remember that what you feed your mind matters. So, take care of your mind online, for the sake of your overall well-being.