The privilege of growing up is that life becomes your great teacher. You also start to learn more about yourself. I can attest to the fact that there are things that I am now learning in my mid-20s. I share these things so that someone else can have the privilege of learning it now rather than later. So, here are the things I’m learning in my mid-20s.
1. There are many great things still to come
There are many great things to look forward too. You know the statement, ‘the best is yet to come’, well it is true. Good things are yet to come, be expectant always. You will also get many opportunities to celebrate your milestones with loved ones. Make sure to really celebrate your achievements, and be happy for yourself.
2. You will lose people on this journey.
I think the heart of this statement, for me, is that you will lose people that you have known for a very long time. Yes, of course, the nature of the human experience is that at some point we experience some form of loss. But truthfully, no one, prepares you for it. Though, it is the reality of life that sometimes we will lose those we were very close to and it hurts. The important thing to do is to heal.
3. You will have to start again
Let me put this one in perspective. You went to school for many years to study a course. You finish the course, and start working in that profession. But you discover that after those many years of working towards that thing, you don’t actually like it or have a passion for it. So, instead of giving up, you pick up the courage to start again.
Yes, this is another reality that I have come to learn. That you can work towards something, only for you to have to start again. It is an important lesson, as some of us grew up with the idea that you pick one thing, and you work towards it for the rest of your life. Most of us had this linear mindset to life. However, the truth is that things change, people change, and you change. But, remember that no process goes to waste, you still carry those things you learn with you to the next journey.
4. Learn to say ‘No’.
I have a whole blog post about your ‘NO’.
But to sum it up today, know this, ‘No’, is a full sentence.
You have to learn to say, NO. Learn it now, and learn it quickly.
I am paying heavy sums of money for this lesson. Not learning how to say No earlier in my life, definitely impacted the way in which I related with people.
But it’s never too late to learn lessons. Though I find it challenging to use this word, I am definitely applying it to my life.
5. We see our friend less, when we get older.
When I was in school, I saw my best friends every day. You don’t think about it then, that things won’t always be like that. The reality is that seeing your friends gets harder when you get older due to differing circumstances.
Some of my friends moved away, others are married with kids, and for some it is demanding jobs and lifestyles. I never imagined that they would be a time where I’d have to schedule in time with my friends. I still see my friends, and it is an absolute joy when I am with them.
O’L Final Thoughts
There are many changes that happen in our 20s. Things change and most importantly we change. Though life and personal relationships may get hard to maintain. My encouragement to you is not to neglect the people and the things that you love.