I know that a big resolution each year is for people to attend the gym. This resolution often fails within the first few months of the year. There are many reasons as to why this may be. Perhaps people get de-motivated, perhaps the gym gets too boring, or maybe they find other hobbies that take over their life. 2025 is the year for change. If your resolution is go to go the gym, how about change this goal to ‘get more fit’. This puts less pressure on yourself to go to the gym consistently and allows you to try other fitness routines. This is your guide to getting fit in 2025.
In order to get fit in 2025, there a few things you will need to do.
- Define what your exact goals are. Is it to improve your stamina, improve your cardiovascular, increase muscle mass or something else?
- Once you have your goals start to find ways to achieve this goal, with or without the gym. Create a plan and try to stick with it. Do not say that you will workout everyday if you have not worked out before as this is not realistic. Create a plan that is do-able and realistic.
- When the plan is ready, it is time to find a way to put the plan into practise.
The truth about the gym
Before I provide fitness suggestions I just wanted to say this:
You do not have to attend the gym to get fit. If I am being honest, I see it way too often where people pay for a membership and only go once a week or even less. To me, this is a waste of money. You may be thinking that if you pay for a yearly or 6 month contract, you will be more motivated to go. Surprisingly, a lot of people think this at first and then stop going anyway, despite the money coming out of their account each month.
Alternatives to the gym
There are a range of alternatives to the gym. If you are looking to increase movement and improve your cardio, you could start off going for walks. This could be a 10-30 minute walk that increases over time. Then when you feel comfortable, start going for jogs and runs. This can all be done outside without paying money. You can use apps like Nike Run to track your progress.
Likewise, if you are looking to improve your flexibility, you could find youtube videos to follow along to in your house. There are thousands of free fitness videos on Youtube to do in your home. All you have to do is type in ‘home workouts’ and you can follow along. A lot of these workouts range from 10 minutes to 30 minutes which is a great way to keep fit if you are a busy person.
Group fitness
Classes are a great way to keep fit, especially if you find it easier to follow along to someones instructions or prefer being in amongst people. There are organisations that specifically focus on classes instead of going to your local gym for a class. For example, there are many studios that offer reformer pilate classes. This is the same for spin classes.
Alternatively, if you do not mind the aspect of paying monthly for your fitness, then check out ClassPass. Class Pass allows you to find fitness classes located near you. It means you do not need to commit to one gym and can try out different fitness classes around in your area. Make sure you look into it to see if it is something you would actually use before paying for the membership.
Similarly to classes, you could find local fitness groups close to you via Facebook or Instagram. In my hometown, I know that there are run clubs and other outdoor fitness clubs held by independent groups/ people. Have a look into this if you enjoy the social side working out.
Final thoughts
There are many ways for you to keep fit in 2025. Of course, if you find the gym useful then by all means sign up. I regularly attend the gym and enjoy it a lot. I just know that there are a lot of people out there who see going to the gym as a chore and, as a result, stop working out. The goal in 2025 is to keep fit. Remember that you do not have to do the heavy weights or the treadmill to achieve this. There are lots of ways to keep fit. Experiment, research and most of all, enjoy yourself!
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